Our Impact


years of serving, children, families, and communities

Global Adoption Services has a proven record of working with governmental and nongovernmental agencies around the world to advocate for children and families around the world.


children joined a family.

Global Adoption Services has successfully coordinated over 450 international adoptions for American families. Many are now adults with successful careers and families of their own.

One of Global’s adoptive families

One of Global’s adoptive families



During the last 7 years Global has coordinated programs that have enabled 100’s of children in Haiti to attend school and provided 1000’s of pounds of school supplies. Since our relief efforts started, we have added support for a community health clinic that received its accreditation in 2020.

A few of the school children sponsored through Global

A few of the school children sponsored through Global


We need you! We are blessed with a small, but hard working staff and We have a wonderful, dedicated group of volunteers, many of whom have contributed countless hours with us since we were founded. Like a lot of smaller nonprofit organizations, however, we always are short of time and and financial resources. So how can you help?

  • Have you ever been a member or officer of any other nonprofit group in the past (Boy/Girl Scouts, PTA, Red Cross, church, fraternal organization). If so, consider joining our Board of Governors. We are friendly, welcoming, and informal. Since COVID-19, we have been holding our quarterly meetings virtually by videoconference.

  • Do you know website scripting or do you have social media skills? Please consider helping with ideas to brighten up our website. Check out our Facebook, and Instagram pages. Like and share to help us reach a wider audience.

  • Have you ever done fundraising; do you think you may have fundraising skills; or have you ever done grant writing? We are always in desperate need to folks who can help us explore ways to increase our outreach to individuals, government, and other organizations who may have grants available to support our administrative costs and humanitarian projects.

  • Do you believe all children deserve the right to be raised in a loving family but aren’t able to adopt right now, or do you know a family who are in the process of adopting through us? Please consider making a tax deductible contribution through PayPal and selecting Adoption Programs from the dropdown or look for our PayPal QR Code at the bottom of the page. You don’t need a PayPal account.

  • Most adoptive families are looking for an infant or a child under the age of 5-years old. Would you consider adopting an older child or siblings? We often have bright, beautiful children available for rapid placement who are turned down only because they are already “too old.” Imagine how heartbreaking that must be for a boy or girl who may be only 10 or 12-years old!

  • Do you know or can you organize a group of people who would be willing to sponsor children in our educational program in Haiti or donate as a group to the clinic? One of the recent graduates from the school would like to go to nursing school. We are raising money to help her pay for nursing school. Would you be willing to these programs through either PayPal (Select Haiti from the dropdown) or GoFundMe?

  • Do you have an Amazon account? Designate Global Adoption Services to receive a portion of the purchase price of selected items that Amazon will donate to us on your behalf. You can sign up here or by clicking on the Amazon Smile logo at the bottom of the page.